The role: Non Executive Director

What we are looking for
Non-Executive Directors work alongside Executive Directors as part of a Unitary Board and are accountable, through the Chair, to the Council of Governors which represents the interests of Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust members and the public. They support the Chair and the Chief Executive in promoting the Trust values internally and externally and exemplify the corporate culture.
We are looking for a non-executive director to join the Board of the Trust and support its work to deliver its vision of “Excellent Care at the Heart of the Community”.
Candidates will need to be able to demonstrate that their professional experience and capability has equipped them to contribute to and complement the effective leadership of our organisation and support our position in the wider health and social care system.

As well as a strong track record of professional achievement, we are also looking for a candidate who demonstrates the enthusiasm and motivation needed to understand and make a difference to our diverse communities.
We are particularly interested in candidates with experience of the third-sector and of successful collaboration across organisational boundaries.
We are committed to increasing our Board diversity and are particularly keen to attract candidates who can bring diverse perspectives. We welcome expressions of interest from the widest possible range of backgrounds particularly those who are underrepresented at Board level in the NHS.
Key Responsibilities
- Contribute to the development of strategy
- Oversee the delivery of strategy
- Provide constructive challenge and support as appropriate to Executive Directors and the Board as a whole to progress effective decision making by the Trust
- Monitor, scrutinise and seek assurance of the Trust’s performance
- Ensure that the Trust has robust and effective financial and clinical quality controls and that systems of risk management and governance are sound and that they are operating effectively
- Develop and promote the Trust’s values and support a positive culture
- Help promote the success of the Trust as part of the wider Sussex Integrated Care System

Main tasks
- Prepare for, attend and contribute to monthly Board and Committee meetings and take the role of Committee Chair where appointed.
- Provide advice and guidance on issues relevant to own skills, expertise and experience
- Attend joint meetings of the Board and Council of Governors and take into account the views of Governors, members and the public to gain a different perspective on the Foundation Trust and its strategy and performance
- Attend the Annual Members’ Meeting
- Participate in service visits and occasional external stakeholder meetings
- Participate in Board development/induction activities
- As a member of the Board Nominations and Remuneration Committee participate in the appointment of Executive Directors and in setting Executive Director remuneration
- Role model Trust values in all interactions with internal and external stakeholders
- Build and maintain relationships with Trust staff, Board colleagues, peers and stakeholders which promote the effective operation of the Trust’s activities and development and delivery of its strategy
- Act as an ambassador for the Trust
- Bring diversity of thought to the Board