The role: Non Executive Director and Chair, Finance & Performance Committee

NHS Sussex Independent Non-Executive Directors will:
- work collaboratively to shape the long-term, viable plan for the delivery of the functions, duties, and strategic objectives of NHS Sussex; determine strategy and priorities; identify and mitigate risks; and ensure the effective stewardship of public money;
- ensure that the Board is effective in all aspects of its role and appropriately focused on its four core purposes, namely to: improve outcomes in population health; reduce inequalities in access, experience and outcomes; enhance productivity and value for money, and support broader social and economic development;
- be champions of robust governance, collaborative leadership and effective partnership working, including with local government, NHS bodies and the voluntary sector;
- support the NHS Sussex Chair and the wider Board on issues that impact organisations and workforce across the ICS, such as integration; the productivity agenda; digital transformation; and emergency preparedness, resilience, and response; and
- play a key role in delivering the statutory arrangements for the ICS to ensure that NHS Sussex meets its statutory duties and builds strong partnerships with system partners.

NHS Sussex Independent Non-Executive Directors will:
- be accountable to the NHS Sussex Chair;
- have designated areas of responsibilities, as agreed with the NHS Sussex Chair;
- have a collective responsibility with the other members of the NHS Sussex Board to ensure corporate accountability for the performance of the organisation, ensuring its functions are effectively and efficiently discharged and its financial obligations are met.
Responsibilities and Competencies
You will work alongside the Chair, other Non-Executive Directors, Executive Directors, and Partner Members and as an equal member of the unitary Board you are likely to be responsible for specific areas relating to board governance and oversight. You will bring independent and respectful challenge to the plans, aims and priorities of NHS Sussex, and promote open and transparent decision-making that facilitates consensus aimed at delivering exceptional outcomes for our population.
Personally, you will bring a range of professional expertise, which includes successful commercial, finance and/or general management experience, together with your lived experience and understanding of communities in Sussex that will inform the work of the Board. We are interested in your personal experiences, insights and motivations that might have been gained through being a patient, carer, or service user. Similarly, we are keen to bring to the Board experiences of gender and women’s issues; engaging with diverse social, economic, and cultural groups and communities; and understanding of the experiences and challenges of younger people, and people living with mental health issues and/or physical chronic conditions or disability.
As an NHS leader, you will demonstrate a range of competencies spanning the following areas: