The role

Job Title:

Chief Executive Officer

Accountable to:

Trust Board


To be confirmed


As required across all sites

Key Relationships:

Executive Team, Trust Board, Trust Governors, Hospital Management Teams, ICS, other NHS Trusts, organisations within the Integrated Care Partnership, Auditors & Regulators

Job Purpose

The CEO has overall responsibility for delivering the Trust’s strategy and strategic objectives to create the culture, systems, and processes to achieve our mission of Excellent care, Every time.

Key Responsibilities:

Dr Julia Dudley

Corporate Management & Leadership

  • Lead on embedding and successfully delivering our corporate vision and corporate strategy, ‘Patient First’ committing to the ongoing development of the organisation to support its delivery
  • Lead the Executive and senior leadership team to ensure behaviours are aligned to our strategy and values, enabling an open, learning culture
  • Provide role model exemplary behaviour in line with our values that inspires, engages and empowers staff to deliver high quality care
  • Demonstrate a leadership style that builds relationships with staff across the organisation and enables the confidence to create a speaking up culture
  • Lead a cohesive, effective executive management team to achieve our strategy and objectives
  • Ensure action on equality, diversity, and inclusion, both as an employer and as a provider of services
  • Develop effective working relationships with parties across the ICS and wider NHS and other partners.
  • Ensure the ongoing development of a culture of continuous improvement alongside the right systems, processes, and structures to deliver outstanding healthcare in line with our Patient First strategy
  • Create the right conditions to improve patient safety and experience, clinical outcomes, and the quality of services
  • Engage with patients and the public to ensure high quality and accessible services that are responsive, effective, and timely
  • Develop our ability and reputation for Research and academic excellence
  • Deliver the benefits of the recent merger.

Corporate and Clinical Governance

  • Act as the Accountable Officer for the Trust, within the framework of NHS Foundation Trust governance
  • Ensure the Board receives the advice and information necessary to perform its duties, including legal requirements in relation to all key aspects of clinical activities, financial assets, people, I.T. and intellectual property
  • Resolve any gaps in data and information to enable fit for purpose assurance and governance processes to take place
  • Ensure there is an effective Board Assurance Framework (BAF) underpinned by an associated risk register and risk management framework, in which patient safety is paramount and through which standards of patient care are evaluated and improved
  • Ensure there are appropriate and effective systems in place throughout the Trust to achieve compliance with the requirements of clinical governance and of safe standards of patient care, and that all standards set by statutory regulators and other relevant bodies are implemented by the Trust.
Walking the job
Nurse with patient

Operational Performance

  • Embed a Clinical Operating Model that enables clinical leadership with devolved authority and clear accountability arrangements
  • Monitor, evaluate and manage organisational performance in accordance with strategic priorities, standards, and values and our SDR process
  • Ensure the Trust’s compliance with regulator, NHS and Government guidance and requirements
  • Ensure the provision of clear, timely and accurate information, intelligence, and advice to the Board to enable informed decision-making and robust evaluation of performance. Draw the Board’s attention to relevant risks and matters for consideration
  • Ensure systems are in place to deliver high standards of care based on best practice, research evidence and national standards and guidelines
  • Ensure that the financial management of the Trust is robust and complies with all statutory requirements and standards and delivers sustainable financial performance year-on-year.