About the Trust
Since the opening of the original St George’s Hospital on Hyde Park Corner in 1733, St George’s has built an international reputation for quality of care, education, research and medical advances.
Our main site, St George’s Hospital in Tooting – one of the country’s principal teaching hospitals – is shared with St George’s, University of London, which trains medical students and carries out advanced medical research. St George’s Hospital also hosts the St George’s, University of London and Kingston University Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, which is responsible for training a wide range of healthcare professionals from across the region.
Our organisation is large – with more than 9,000 staff – but retains a strong sense of community.

We have strong links with the populations we serve but are also recognised nationally and internationally for being a leader in research and innovation. This enables us to attract staff from all over the world.
Nine years ago, in February 2015, St George’s became an NHS Foundation Trust. As the largest healthcare provider in south west London, our two hospital sites at St George’s Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital in Roehampton serve a population of 1.3 million.
As a provider of many tertiary services, such as neurosciences and paediatric medicine, we also offer care for significant populations in Surrey and Sussex, totalling around 3.5 million people. Even further afield, we provide care for patients from across the south west of England in specialties such as complex pelvic trauma.
Other services are even more specialist, and our family HIV care service and expertise in bone marrow transplantation for non-cancer diseases mean we treat people from across the country.
St George’s is one of the four major trauma centres for London, and home to hyper acute stroke and heart attack centres. We operate one of London’s four helipads, which means we treat some of the most unwell and severely injured patients from across the south of England.
We are a major centre for cancer services: St George’s Hospital is one of only two designated children’s cancer centres in London, and the seventh largest centre for cancer surgery/chemotherapy in London.
We are one of London’s largest children’s hospitals, with one of only four paediatric trauma units in the city region. St George’s Hospital also hosts the only paediatric intensive care unit in south west London. We are one of the top three centres for specialist paediatric surgery in London, and a centre of excellence in foetal medicine.

Our values
To Deliver Outstanding Care, Every Time
St George’s University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (SGUH) has a vision to be a thriving hospital at the heart of an integrated healthcare system. One that delivers improved patient care at a community, hospital and specialist setting, supported by a unique and nationally recognised programme of research, education and employee engagement.
We expect all our staff to share the values that are important to the Trust and behave in a way that reflects these.
- Be Excellent
- Be Kind
- Be Responsible
- Be Respectful
Our strategy
The NHS is facing and will continue to face many pressures as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic and our estate needs to be fit for purpose for the ‘new world’ to support clinical delivery effectively. However, ensuring a safe and sustainable environment, maintaining our facilities, and delivering excellent services will always be at the core of what we do in estate management.
In the future, our estate will need to be both an enabler and driver for change, supporting the delivery of our current and future clinical and other associated Trust strategies and strategic objectives.
It is our ambition for the estate to enhance the delivery of outstanding and compassionate healthcare for our staff, patients, visitors, and communities through a flexible, therapeutic, sustainable estate that harnesses the power of digital technology, and embraces net zero carbon. To do this, we will need to make the right investment decisions at the right time.
Our Estates Strategy builds on our key Trust documents such as The Trust’s Clinical Strategy, collaborative documents such as the Wandsworth Borough Estates Strategy, and it addresses the challenges set by the NHS Long Term Plan by capturing the Trust’s future plans for the estate.
strategy commits the Trust to fulfil our ambition of providing, developing, and maintaining a more efficient, better maintained, high quality, sustainable and flexible estate that has high levels of utilisation. It provides a framework to deliver an overall estate vision that supports the delivery of corporate and clinical aims, as well as those of the wider healthcare system and partners.
Our Green Plan
The NHS recently launched its commitment to delivering a Net Zero Health Service, recognising that climate change poses a major threat to our health as well as our planet.
The NHS recognises that the environment is changing, that change is accelerating, and this has direct and immediate consequences for our patients, the public and the NHS.
We at St George’s are committed to delivering our contribution to the net zero plan and to adopt the broader principles of sustainable development.
Our Sustainable Development Green Plan (Green Plan) forms a key first step in helping us develop a sustainable healthcare strategy. Working in tandem with our new Estates Strategy it helps us to identify carbon, financial and waste savings as we look to grow and improve our estate.
Our Green Plan outlines key work streams that will contribute to the continuous improvement of sustainability across St George’s and set us on our way to net zero. It requires Trust-wide awareness and contributions to become a success. We owe it to future generations to ensure that we deliver this plan. For more information, please see our Green Plan here.
St George’s, Epsom and St Helier Hospital Group
After years of collaboration and creating closer working ties, Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust and St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust formed a hospital group. Jacqueline Totterdell was appointed Group Chief Executive in August 2021.
Gillian Norton, is chair of both Trusts and took up the role as Chairman in Common in 2019.
Working as a hospital group allows for more joined-up decision making for the benefit of local people, a larger and more resilient clinical workforce, reduced variation in levels of care, and more access to a wider range of services for our patients.
Epsom and St Helier and St Georges remain two separate Trusts but with one executive team enabling us to work closer together and build on our strong foundations.
We already work closely together and run joint services such as the South West London Pathology Network and we’re building a specialist kidney unit to improve care to our patients.