The Role
Role Overview
Job Title:
Non Executive Director
Responsible to:
The Council of Governors
Accountable to:
Foundation Trust Chair
Recognised Base:
Various with travel throughout the Trust
Hours of attendance:
Typically equating to five days per month (including some evenings)
Period of Appointment:
Normally three years
£13,635 pa
Role Summary
Foundation Trusts are public benefit corporations licensed by NHS England to provide healthcare services. Foundation Trusts are managed by a Board of Directors that exercises all of the powers of the Trust.
Non-Executive Directors are accountable to the Council of Governors. Fostering mutual respect, recognition and understanding through attendance at meetings, working in partnership and maintaining ongoing dialogue are crucial to the success of the role.
In broad terms, the role of Non-Executive Director has the following key elements:
- Strategy – to help develop our strategy and, with other Board members, to oversee and constructively challenge progress on the delivery of our vision “We want people to lead their best possible lives” and our strategic goals:
- To co-create a great experience for our patients, carers, and families
- To co-create a great experience for our colleagues
- To be a great partner
- Performance – to scrutinise the performance of management in meeting agreed goals and objectives and monitor the reporting of performance
- Risk – to be assured on the integrity of financial, operational, and clinical systems and processes and to ensure that systems of risk management are robust and defensible
- People – as a member of the Nomination and Remuneration committee to determine appropriate levels of remuneration for Executive Directors and have a role in appointing, and where necessary removing, Executive Directors and in succession planning
- Culture – to help define the culture of the Trust and to role model our values of respect, compassion, and responsibility

Person Specification