Team Voices

Jennifer Vaughan, Occupational Therapist at Roseberry Park Hospital in Middlesbrough:

“It’s amazing that I now get to help other people. I have a new student who I speak to every day, and he is doing well. I’ll continue to work on my speech and push myself to maintain and improve my own speech. I have taken an opportunity to do a talk about my profession to nursing cadets at Roseberry Park Hospital in Middlesbrough, which will be a good speaking challenge. Little challenges like this help me to push my comfort zone and is something I would never have done before.”

Jennifer Vaughan
Joanne Miller is a Registered Community Learning Disability Nurse

Joanne Miller, Registered Community Learning Disability Nurse in the Durham and Darlington Health Facilitation Team:

“Everyone has a right to access health care provision. But for someone with a learning disability this isn’t as easy as it is for most people. The work we do is essential in reducing health inequalities. It also has the potential to reduce the number of avoidable deaths… It really is important that health providers come together to understand the challenges people with learning disabilities face, so that we can make a change for the better.”

Hannah Fairbairn, a clinical lead for speech and language therapy at Ridgeway:

“There are many psychological benefits to creative writing. It can help boost confidence, self-esteem and mood, increase self-awareness and is a platform for expressing emotions… Working together on the book has given us all – staff, carers and patients – a chance to get creative and produce something special. It has helped boost our confidence, and our spirits.”

Book launch