Our strategy
We’re in the third year of our strategy for 2020–2025. It’s designed to promote and uphold the highest professional standards in nursing and midwifery to inspire confidence in the professions.
The coronavirus pandemic intensified just as we approved the strategy in spring 2020, and we quickly refocussed our priorities in response. Now that the crisis phase of the pandemic is over, we’re working hard to make to make sure deliver on our strategic commitments.
Our corporate plan for 2022-2025 sets out how we’ll do this. It includes 22 goals to advance our strategy over the next three years. This covers a diverse and exciting breadth of work, including:
- working with the government to deliver a substantial programme of regulatory reform to improve the legislation that guides our work
- implementing our new post-registration standards, designed to build on ambitions for community and public health nursing
- launching new standards that provide greater flexibility in nursing and midwifery pre-registration education
- reviewing revalidation requirements for nursing and midwifery professionals, supporting them to develop their knowledge and skills throughout their careers.

And to make sure we achieve all this and much more, we will become a fit for the future organisation by:
- delivering our People Plan that supports, engages and retains our colleagues
- improving the way we’re structured
- updating digital systems that support how we regulate to improve the experience for customers and colleagues.
Our three strategic themes of ‘regulate’, ‘support’, and ‘influence’ guide all this work, while our values underpin our approach. You can find out more about our five-year strategy and our corporate plan for 2022–2025, including our 22 commitments, on our website.