The role
We are seeking Non-Executive Directors with experience of working at Board level who can work closely with the Chair to provide support, guidance and challenge to the Executive team.
The ideal candidates should have one or more of the following:
- a clinical background and/or qualification
- a track record in digital transformation and IT
- an HR and organisational development background.
Candidates should demonstrate:
- experience of working across organisational boundaries;
- successful business skills. This may include business planning, customer focus or wider commercial experience;
- knowledge of the issues surrounding and/or involvement with mental health /community health services or social care services;
- experience in organisational and/or system wide transformation;
- good understanding of governance and accountability; of the importance of using data to drive effective decision making; and of the role of the non-executive director within a unitary board;
- ability to question intelligently; debate and challenge constructively, thoughtfully and sensitively; and to determine outcomes fairly;
- excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to remain calm under pressure, develop creative solutions, manage a variety of situations and ensure that outcomes are in the best interest of the population we serve rather than self;
- ability to respond to and reconcile the differing needs and perspectives of multiple stakeholders whilst driving for the best possible outcomes for staff, service users and carers;
- courage when listening, bravery when challenging and calculated risk taking in decision making to help drive up performance and contribute to the creation of an engaged workforce;
- commitment to the vision and strategic aims of Dorset HealthCare and to the population we serve;
- ability to think clearly and creatively, remain calm under pressure and at all times to act with integrity and candour, in accordance with the Nolan principles;
- commitment to the principles of the NHS and public benefit