Our strategy
In 2019 we agreed our new strategic ambitions and priorities:
- Outstanding quality services: we are determined to continue our relentless focus on providing the best quality services for the people we serve. This includes reducing harm and variation and transforming our services, making best use of new technologies. Our Quality Improvement ethos and drive encourages creativity, innovation and learning.
- Healthy lives: we are taking a population-based approach to planning our services, working in partnership with others in the health and care system. Local people will be much more involved in identifying their priorities and co-producing the services they need with us. As people are empowered to be in control of their health and wellbeing, we will work with them to prevent ill health and make the most of everyone’s strengths.

- Maximising value and sustainability: along with all NHS organisations and the public sector as a whole, we face significant challenges in funding and demand. This makes it all the more important that we make the best use of our finances and our buildings and reduce environmental impact.
- Best place to work: Our staff are our greatest asset so we want to make Dorset HealthCare the best place to work. We’re building on our compassionate, inclusive and open culture to empower staff to do their best work. We are strong on respect and inclusion, celebrating diversity and looking after our staff’s wellbeing. We’re working to retain and develop our workforce and to attract the right people into our Trust, offering flexibility to support work-life balance.
This over-arching approach is supported by a number of more detailed strategies including:
- Quality
- Workforce
- Clinical
- Digital
- Estates
- Finance
- Engagement
We will need to consider how the changes we’ve made as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic will influence these ambitions and the way we shape our future.