
Hello and thank you for your interest in the role of joint Chief Executive for Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (DCH) and Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust (DHC).

We are both hugely excited to create a joint leadership model that we believe will improve the delivery of care to our local communities. This new role, alongside a joint Chair role, will help simplify decision-making, increase integration and improve the quality of care and outcomes for the people we serve.

The new joint Chief Executive will lead our two organisations in developing a clear common purpose and innovative solutions for our current challenges with a focus on:

  • Preventing ill-health
  • Tackling health inequalities
  • Integrating physical and mental health more effectively
  • Joining up workforce planning and development

We have a long and strong history of partnership working, which was further strengthened during the pandemic. While we are not looking to merge, we believe that this joint appointment is the natural next step, in line with the aspirations of Dorset’s integrated care system, Our Dorset.

This exciting and challenging role offers the opportunity to build on solid foundations and continue to make a real difference to the lives of our communities and our staff.

The new leadership model will help accelerate improvements to patient care and outcomes, going beyond site and service boundaries. Opportunities include:

  • Streamlining processes for people with dementia
  • Improving access to mental health retreats for people in mental health crisis
  • Reducing admissions of frail patients to acute hospitals by improving access to a range of community services
  • Giving access to diagnostics closer to home and improving acute pain services

It’s a big job which needs an experienced and empowering leader who’ll bring energy, drive and a fresh perspective to the delivery of our strategic ambitions and priorities working with the boards, councils of governors and staff across our two organisations. Your strong track record in continuous quality and service improvement and ability to inspire and influence will be central to the way you approach this.

You’ll play a leading role in continuing to develop Our Dorset, our well-established and respected integrated care system. Partnership working is in our DNA in Dorset so you’ll be adept at collaboration and comfortable with complexity.

It will be important for you to build relationships and earn the trust and respect of a wide range of stakeholders including our staff, our partners and, most importantly, the people of Dorset. To do this you’ll need to be continually listening and learning, with a relentless focus on empowering people to make the most of their lives.

Put simply, we’re looking for an outstanding leader who is compassionate, inclusive, creative and committed to achieving results and improving the health and wellbeing of our people and communities.


The pages that follow will give you some insight into the role and our two organisations but to learn more please contact our recruitment partner Rhiannon Smith on 07860 773860 or by email at [email protected].

Andy Willis

Andy Willis
Dorset HealthCare University
NHS Foundation Trust

Mark Addison

Mark Addison
Dorset County Hospital
NHS Foundation Trust