A message from the Chair
Thank you for your interest in joining our Council
We’re the independent regulator for more than 808,000 nurses and midwives in the UK and nursing associates in England.
Working on behalf of the public, we want to support nursing and midwifery professionals to deliver the care we all want – safe, effective, and kind.
We’re seeking:
- Two members to join the Appointments Board
- A new Chair of the Appointments Board
We are keen to hear from people with the right skills and expertise from across all four UK countries, diverse backgrounds, experience and walks of life.
Our core role is to regulate. This includes investigating concerns raised with us about nurses, midwives and nursing associates – something that affects a tiny minority of professionals each year.
Sometimes investigations can result in a fitness to practise hearing. It’s vital that fitness to practise panels make high quality decisions which protect the public and promote confidence in our professions. The Appointments Board has an important role in ensuring that effective arrangements are in place for the selection, training and performance management of panel members and legal assessors, as well as overseeing the NMC’s approach to the management of panel members and legal assessors. In carrying out its role, the Appointments Board must ensure that its work is aligned to the Council’s strategic aims, including our corporate priority to reduce our fitness to practise caseload safely and our commitment to kind and considerate regulation for all those involved in cases.
Our values – to be fair, kind, collaborative, and ambitious – along with our commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion, underpin everything we do.
Successful applicants will need to combine a strategic approach with expertise in the areas of human resources, including recruitment and training; a sound understanding of managing contractors; excellent communication skills; a good understanding of governance and a commitment to the Standards of Public Life. Expertise in change and transformation; and organisational development would be advantageous.
If you believe you have the expertise, commitment, and experience needed to be the Chair or a member of the Appointments Board, I hope you will want to join us as we seek to deliver outcomes that will best protect patients and the public.

Sir David Warren
Nursing and Midwifery Council